DVD Release DateGirl in the Basement

Girl in the Basement

Girl in the Basement dvd release poster

Sara is a teen girl who is looking forward to her 18th birthday to move away from her controlling father Don. But before she could even blow out the candles, Don imprisons her in the basement of their home. Girl in the Basement (2021) is directed by Elisabeth Röhm and was released on Feb 27th, 2021.

Elisabeth Röhm

Judd Nelson, Stefanie Scott, and Joely Fisher.

Release dates, trailer, and film details ⤵

Girl in the Basement is scheduled to arrive in theaters on February 27, 2021. As of today, the movie has been out for around since its theatrical release.

When is Girl in the Basement coming to DVD?

Girl in the Basement DVD release date is set for June 5, 2021, with Blu-ray available the same day as the DVD release. DVD releases are typically released around 12-16 weeks after the theatrical premiere.

When will Girl in the Basement be released digitally?

Girl in the Basement digital release from Amazon Video and iTunes should be available 1-2 weeks before the Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K releases. The estimated VOD release date is June 2021.

All release dates

In Theaters

February 27, 2021

DVD Release Date

June 5, 2021

Netflix DVD Release Date

June 5, 2021 (estimate)

Netflix Streaming

Not announced

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Dates do change, and we will continue to update this page with new details as they become available, so check back often as the release approaches.

Movie details

Director Elisabeth Röhm’s crime movie Girl in the Basement was released February 27th, 2021.

Girl in the Basement is rated TV-14. This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age. Parents are strongly urged to exercise greater care in monitoring this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended. This program may contain one or more of the following: intensely suggestive dialogue (D), strong coarse language (L), intense sexual situations (S), or intense violence (V).

6.3 N/A N/A

The movie currently has a 6.3 out of 10 IMDb rating and Metascore from Metacritic is 67. We will continue to add and update the review scores.

Here is where you can stream and purchase the Girl in the Basement ⤵

Girl in the Basement
Film Rating
1 hour 28 minutes
Film Budget
Not available
Box Office Results
Not available
Crime, Thriller

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