DVD Release DateThe Sudbury Devil

The Sudbury Devil

The Sudbury Devil dvd release poster

In the late 17th century, two Puritan witch hunters travel to a small Massachusetts town investigating rumors of devil worship, and are irrevocably transformed by the ungodly forces they encounter. The Sudbury Devil is directed by Andrew Rakich, Eduardo Urueña and is currently planned for release sometime in 2024

Andrew Rakich, Eduardo Urueña

Kyle Bell, Benton Guinness, Matthew Van Gessel, and Maureen Regan

The Sudbury Devil release date has not been scheduled yet. The premiere date is on PENDING. The film is not released yet.

When is The Sudbury Devil coming to DVD?

The Sudbury Devil DVD release date has not been set. Blu-rays are typically available the same day as the DVD release. The DVD releases are typically released around 12-16 weeks after the theatrical premiere. Please be aware that some films may never come out on DVD, as they are designed for exclusive premieres on streaming platforms like Apple TV+.

When will The Sudbury Devil be released digitally?

The Sudbury Devil digital release from Amazon Video and iTunes should be available 1-2 weeks before the Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K releases. Netflix acquires TV series and films from studios all around the world. Please note that many movies and TV shows never come to Netflix because of licensing agreements.

All release dates

In Theaters

Not announced

DVD Release Date


Netflix DVD Release Date

Not available

Netflix Streaming


Dates do change, and we will continue to update this page with new details as they become available, so check back often as the release approaches.

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Movie details

Andrew Rakich, Eduardo Urueña’s compelling history film, The Sudbury Devil, should debut on the big screen sometime in 2024.

The Sudbury Devil is rated NR. The age rating is not available for this movie yet. It has not been rated by the rating board of the MPAA. As a general parental guide, parents should assume the material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

The movie currently has no IMDb ratings. We will continue to add and update the reviews and scores.
The Sudbury Devil
Film Rating
Film Budget
Not available
Box Office Results
History, Horror, Thriller

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