DVD Release DateAhmed Best, Star Wars actor, considered suicide after facing intense hatred for...

Ahmed Best, Star Wars actor, considered suicide after facing intense hatred for his Jar Jar Binks portrayal

  • Ahmed Best, the actor behind Jar Jar Binks, contemplated suicide due to the backlash the character received.
  • Best faced a great deal of criticism and hate from fans, causing him emotional pain.
  • The hate towards the character brought mental health issues to the forefront in the entertainment industry.

Ahmed Best, who portrayed the controversial Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks, has revealed that he considered suicide as a result of the widespread hatred and criticism he faced for his role. Best’s character was met with considerable backlash from fans, which led to an emotional crisis for the actor.

Victim of a significant hate campaign from the Star Wars fanbase, Best has shed light on the negative impact the role had on his mental well-being. This has sparked a conversation about mental health concerns within the entertainment industry and the importance of recognizing them.