DVD Release DateDirector Peter Atencio claims Jean Claude Van Damme is completely insane

Director Peter Atencio claims Jean Claude Van Damme is completely insane

  • Jean-Claude Van Damme’s erratic behavior on set
  • Director Peter Atencio’s difficulty working with the actor
  • Van Damme’s eventual exit from the project

In the words of film director Peter Atencio, Jean-Claude Van Damme is “completely insane.” Atencio, who directed the action-comedy film ‘The Last Mercenary,’ expressed his struggles working with the legendary martial artist and actor during a recent interview discussing the ARTE series ‘Kung Fu Panda’.

Atencio talked about the eccentric and erratic behavior of the actor on set, including Van Damme doing massive roundhouse kicks on unsuspecting co-stars. He mentioned that Van Damme would perform his signature action moves without any warning, leaving cast members guessing when to duck.

Moreover, the director emphasized on the challenges of communicating with Van Damme during the project. Despite multiple attempts to create a working relationship, language barriers and Van Damme’s fondness for speaking in the third person made it difficult for the two professionals to find a common ground.

Ultimately, the relationship became unbearable, resulting in the actor’s departure from the project before its completion. This event left the crew to find creative ways to work around Van Damme’s absence.