In 2017, Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron starred in an action comedy that critics didn’t love but audiences can’t stop watching.
The movie got a really low score of 17% on Rotten Tomatoes, which means most critics thought it wasn’t good at all. But here’s the twist: people are streaming it like crazy! It’s funny how sometimes what critics say doesn’t match what people enjoy.
I think it’s interesting how movies can surprise us.
While the film might not have been a hit with reviewers, viewers seem to find something entertaining in it. Maybe it’s the humor, or perhaps it’s just fun to watch these two stars together. Who knows? Sometimes, we just want to watch something silly and not think too hard about it.
And then there’s the whole idea of guilty pleasures—things we secretly enjoy even if they’re not considered “good.” Like eating ice cream for breakfast or dancing when no one’s watching. This movie might just be one of those things for many people.
Isn’t it curious how streaming platforms can give new life to films that didn’t do well at first? It’s like finding a forgotten toy and realizing it’s still fun to play with.