DVD Release DateJamie Dornan auditioned for Man of Steel in Superman Pajamas and questioned...

Jamie Dornan auditioned for Man of Steel in Superman Pajamas and questioned if it was a mistake.

  • Jamie Dornan auditioned for Man of Steel in Superman pajamas.
  • The actor questions whether that was a mistake.
  • He ultimately did not land the role, as Henry Cavill was cast as Superman.

Actor Jamie Dornan revealed that during his audition for the role of Superman in the 2013 film “Man of Steel,” he donned a pair of Superman-themed pajamas,. Reflecting on the situation, Dornan cannot help but wonder if his choice of outfit was a mistake.

Ultimately, the role of Superman went to Henry Cavill, rather than Dornan. While it is unclear whether his wardrobe choice had any influence on the casting decision, it remains an interesting footnote to his career. Dornan has since found success in other roles, notably starring as Christian Grey in the “Fifty Shades of Grey” film series.