DVD Release DateMarvels' Cat Trainer reveals Goose's on-set antics

Marvels’ Cat Trainer reveals Goose’s on-set antics

  • A cat trainer for The Marvels shares exciting stories about the feline talent, Goose, and his escapades on set.
  • Goose, who played Captain Marvel’s sidekick in his feline form, was portrayed by four different cats, all with distinct personalities and skills.
  • The cats were chosen for their various talents, including hitting marks, jumping, and sitting still for long periods.

In a recent interview, a cat trainer for The Marvels has shed light on the behind-the-scenes antics of the famous feline character Goose, who served as Captain Marvel’s sidekick in his furry form. The mischievous cat, played by four different cats with unique personalities, engaged in various delightful shenanigans on the movie set.

The trainer, whose name was not disclosed, revealed that the four feline stars each brought their distinct charm and abilities to the table. Each cat showcased specific skills, such as hitting marks, jumping, and sitting quietly for extended periods. This allowed the team to optimize each scene involving Goose by choosing the perfect cat for the job.

The trainer recounted numerous stories of Goose’s on-set antics, explaining that the feline stars not only loved the attention they received from cast and crew but also enjoyed performing their tricks for rewards. There were a few amusing incidents where the cats would try to escape their designated area or give disapproving looks to their handlers. These playful acts only added to the fun and atmosphere on set.

Overall, the interview highlights the impressive teamwork between animal trainers, the feline actors, and the film’s crew that resulted in the perfect portrayal of Goose within The Marvels. The trainer’s heartwarming stories display the dedication and love that went into the care of these furry performers, further proving that the smallest stars can sometimes steal the show.