DVD Release DateWill Smith Initially Declined Men In Black Role, but Steven Spielberg Persuaded...

Will Smith Initially Declined Men In Black Role, but Steven Spielberg Persuaded Him to Accept

  • Will Smith initially did not want to be a part of Men In Black
  • Steven Spielberg played a crucial role in changing Smith’s decision
  • Smith’s involvement in Men In Black has been on his career-defining moves

Will Smith, one of the most acclaimed actors of Hollywood, originally had no desire to star in the iconic movie Men In Black. However, it was legendary director Steven Spielberg who managed to change his mind.

Though it isn’t made clear how Spielberg was able to influence Smith’s decision, the Men In Black franchise went on to become a significant factor in the actor’s career. Following the success of his earlier TV show, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Smith’s role in the movie solidified his position as a talented and bankable movie star.